Their will always be something to fight for...

Being born with a silver spoon i was having fortune enough to got through this aspect of human nature. It was like this I wanted to join college when i was i  school, i wanted to go to hostel when i was in home,i dreamed of bike when i have bicycle, i dreamed of car when i got bike,i wanted a group of friends when i don't have any,i wanted good friends when i got a group of friends, i wanted girls in my group when i don't have any, i wanted good and attractive girls in my group when i got some in my group, i wanted life with no boundaries when i have a disciplined life,i wanted disciplined life when my life has no boundaries etc etc.
In short it can be summarized that i wanted those things which i don't have. Then suddenly i came to realize that this is a never ending phenomenon. As one cannot get everything at every moment endlessly so this desire of getting most of the things you don't have is also never ending. In order to get more through this phenomenon i started peeking in the lives of others. The first thing that i wanted to go through is the greatest desire of youth i.e. lust. What i have realized is that singles want company of opposite sex,than they want relationship, than they want trust,than they want submission and finally they get bored and fed up and began seeking for new relationship with a view of achieving those things which they have not achieved yet. This cycle goes on till your hormones support you. What appears from outside is that he is satisfied and happy as he has got many things which all person don't get but inside story is a bit different, he still fights to get what he don't have, may be with more forcefully than before.This was just an example of lust ,same arguments can be done for other desires .

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