Excess of everything is bad...

Let's take an e.g. of a glutton, what he does is that he unconsciously consumes more than enough food to such an extend that he becomes addicted of overeating. In initial phase most glutton people don't realize that they might will become addicted of overeating but eventually most of glutton end up this way. Their society especially their dear ones kept on advising them to eat only that much amount which is required by your body and can be easily metabolized and also must be careful to check the bad consequences of you diet and as soon as you realized any ill effect of your diet just switch to healthier options and also do fasting if required. But in most cases once you become addicted of overeating it is hard for you to resist the desire of eating more even though it has been proved harmful to you just because of its psychologically rewarding nature. This means every time you will realize that only overeating will make you happy in this world and nothing else. Than the vicious cycle of cause and effect starts which ends up with misery by causing either the psychological or social or both instability. No one wants to his dear ones in misery. Than a conservative or orthodox or precautionary thinking develops in the society i.e. prevention is better than cure. Since experience had made some people realized that to control the feelings of addiction is not easy for most of the addicted and thus someone should take the responsibility to have a check  on new generation as they are not mature enough to look beyond desires as they think they will not become addicted to their enjoyment and in the end only least are able to cope with it. Same arguments can be established in case of other sins especially LUST.

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