A RICHER underprivileged class

Sudden elevation in standard of living, accumulation of wealth, feeling of a much better dignity, having food more than enough to feed family, interaction with upper class of society, has its own drawbacks apart from incredible benefits it has provided in order to create a sense   of equality which might be never going to exist at all.
This new richer class could now afford luxurious lifestyle which includes helpers at home and kitchen, automobiles in garage, higher bank balance etc.
The other aspect of this higher standard of living is that it is highly addicted. Due to this addiction, this newly developed richer class has forgotten its past and starts practising those evil practices which he has suffered a lot. One of those is slavery. Now he can’t imagine a day without helpers and can’t afford to lose them. Slowly slowly he likes bondage labours and feels proud to be called as SIR and MAM.

With higher standard of living they have changed their attitude toward lower section of society of which they were also a part sometimes before. Now they have considering those underprivileged one inferior to them and advised their children to keep a distance from them. Congrats, now they have started practicing untouchability.

With the interaction with higher classes, they have started considering themselves equal to those privileged ones and started approaching them in a friendly manner as if they have forgotten what had happened to their ancestors. Some of them have washed their brain to such an extent that they have started hiding their actual identity while interacting with strangers not because they are frightened as it was in the past but because they don’t want to be called what they actually are. Many have forgotten that those privileged one will never consider them as equal even if they rose above them in all aspects of living standard.

Even within the same category they  have started to differentiate among those who were once considered as one at the time of crisis.
With sudden accumulation of wealth and resources, it is hard for this new privileged class to manage it and hence the downfall has started. It seems the beginning and end of vicious cycle….

Under privileged – struggle – privileged- accumulation of resources – practicing unethical things – loss of resources and dignity – struggle – underprivileged

You can afford to forget the history but history cant forgets itself.


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